Music Therapy for Teenagers
Teenage years are a time of growth and change, which can be challenging but also offers real opportunities for development and learning. Music is a medium that teens tend to gravitate to naturally, so it can be very effective. Music therapy provides a unique way to work with teens that draws on the many healing aspects of music.
How can Music Therapy benefit Teens?
Music is a creative art form that allow emotions to be expressed and shared. In music therapy teens can gain self-understanding and learn better ways to cope with their lives.
Music therapy uses music and songs as therapeutic tools to help teens heal by encouraging self-expression and self-awareness
Living with Harmony music therapists are trained to help a teen deal with troubling problems or behaviours through the use of music
Music is used in various ways. Improvisation when teens may want to compose their own songs; listening to the lyrics of specific songs or talking about how certain music changes the way they feel. Some teens find dance and movement freeing and pleasurable.
Teens often discover that the words in popular songs express their own feelings and experiences that they cannot express themselves
Teens tend to gravitate to music that describes what they are feeling and what is important to them
Music Therapy and songs for the Troubled Teen
Singing along with the lyrics of a song can provide a healthy release of painful or difficult emotions
Soothing music can help an anxious teen relax
Discussing the violent lyrics of a song can help an angry teen express their rage
Music Therapy and Moods
Connecting with the mood of a teen builds a rapport with the therapist
Co-creating active music can help a depressed teen to improve their energy
Composing new words to a song can help reflect on difficult feelings
Creating music with others gives purpose and meaning and builds healthy social networks